
Philippe CORROYEZ joins CPA Experts in our Industry section

Posted on 24.10.2018

Philippe CORROYEZ joins our experts team to further enrich our Industry sector.


As an Materials Science Engineer (EUDIL / Polytech-Lille), then pursuing as an European & International Welding Engineer (EWE / IWE), Philippe started his career as a metallurgist, head of the welding activities within the Manoir Industries Group. Then he joined the Air Liquide group to evolve within its Air Liquide Welding subsidiary, which has become Lincoln Electric Europe: as Product Manager, Project Manager and then key Segment Manager within the Corporate Marketing Section. He was in charge of the Power Generation Market (Nuclear, Fossil & Hydro).


Thanks to his experience, Philippe will strengthen our Industry Sector and more specifically the Materials, Metallurgy, and Welding fields.


Consult his CV