
Deborah Blackwell is joing us !

We are happy to welcome Deborah BLACKWELL in our team who is completing our assistantship with her experiences and skills.

Posted on 12.11.2019

Samuel CHAUVIN, a new financial expert at CPA !

Following a course exclusively based on economics, accounting and finance which he completed with a DECF (Diploma in Accounting and Financial Studies) by integrating an accounting firm, Samuel Chauvin began his career as an associate and then head of firms (Château Cabinet, Wanaverbecq Cabinet, Havenel Cabinet). Afterwards, he became Head of North-West France for PARTECH [...]

Posted on 30.09.2019

35 years with you !

We had the pleasure of celebrating CPA’ 35 year-anniversary ! The opportunity to exchange in a setting both friendly, cultural and architecturally offbeat: the Beaubourg Center. We are happy to make our structure prosper, for which the word cooperative has a meaningful impact on structural, functional and relational level, to which we strive to bring […]

Posted on 01.04.2019

Lionel FOURNIER joins our Industry division

Lionel Fournier gained a MSc in Corrosion at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UK) and a PhD in Materials Science at the Ecole des Mines of Saint-Etienne. He started his career as a research fellow at the Nuclear Engineering Department of the University of Michigan (USA). He then joined the Materials Department […]

Posted on 13.12.2018

Philippe CORROYEZ joins CPA Experts in our Industry section

Philippe CORROYEZ joins our experts team to further enrich our Industry sector.   As an Materials Science Engineer (EUDIL / Polytech-Lille), then pursuing as an European & International Welding Engineer (EWE / IWE), Philippe started his career as a metallurgist, head of the welding activities within the Manoir Industries Group. Then he joined the Air Liquide […]

Posted on 24.10.2018
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